Chehabiyyeh Primary Health Care Center Receives the PHC Accreditiation Quality Award
Chehabiyyeh Primary Health Care Center Receives the PHC Accreditiation Quality Award
15 / 08 / 2018
Chehabiyyeh Primary Health Care Center Receives the PHC Accreditiation Quality Award, with “Advanced” rating, from MoPH in collaboration with Accreditation Canada International.
25 / 11 / 2014
Chhabiyeh Socio-medical Center… towards Excellence!
In the frame of the accreditation program for primary health care, implemented by the Ministry of Public Health in collaboration with Accreditation Canada, Chhabieh Socio-medical Center was selected among 36 other centers (from the ministry centers’ network in Lebanon) for the third stage of matching health quality standards. Knowing that Der Seryan socio- medical center had already passed onto the second stage in 2011.
The assessment included the following: self-assessment, policies and procedures (40 P&P), strategic planning, working on improving quality and guaranteeing ways to be applied effectively in a healthy environment that seeks to manage and avoid risks.
The results of the assessment launched on Saturday August 09, 2014, were very good in terms of the application and working out on the approved standards; as the Canadian team and the representatives of the Ministry of Public Health praised two major programs: “home visits to care of chronic patients” and ” follow-up of mental health patients”.
The official result of the Commission of Accreditation Canada was released on Monday, November 17, 2014 in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Health.
The graph shown herein illustrates the overall outcome of the assessment report. Whereas the followings are abstract of how the reports describe the effectiveness aspect of Chhabiyeh as a primary care clinic.
This organization has been in place for many years and as a result has a corporate structure that is there to support the sites. There are well established systems for planning, service delivery HR, infection control, and quality improvement. Vision, mission, values, strategic plan, client rights and responsibilities are all in place. It is evident that this organization truly lives by its values in care provision. The functioning of this organization is an example of leading practice.
Areas for Improvements:
A more formal needs assessment as well as a formalized review annually of management practices would be beneficial.
On this occasion, Health department at Imam Sadr Foundation congratulates the foundation in general, and Chhabieh center staff in particular (Kawthar Zaineddine, Fatima Rkein, Zainab Haidar, Ali Haidar, Nagham Hammoud) for all the efforts that have been exerted to make this achievement true.