
The Commander of the Italian Battalion in Mansouri Visits the Cultural Compound
On February 26, 2019, Col. Giacomo Gianatazio, commander of the Italian contingent operating under UNIFIL and its headquarters in Mansouri, visited the Cultural Complex of the Imam Sadr Foundation. He spoke with the General Director, Mr. Nijad Charafeddine, about Mr. Nijad’s visit to the Vatican and the meeting with Pope Francis. The two also discussed matters regarding the importance of having the UNIFIL forces and the inhabitants of the region cooperate in activities together, especially children.
In addition, members of the Italian battalion distributed some gifts to students of basic education, the gifts were composed of oral hygiene products and toolkit.

His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Daoud, Minister of Culture visits the Imam Sadr Foundation
His Excellency Dr. Mohammad Daoud, Minister of Culture visits the Imam Sadr Foundation, along with Mr. Ali Ismail, head of the Amal Movement in Jabal Amel region, and the Engineer Hassan Dbouk, head of the Union of Municipalities of Tyre district and a number of members of the regional leadership in the Amal Movement. Mrs. Rabab Sadr received His Excellency and wished him success in his tough duties that need persistence. She also mentioned Imam Sadr’s approach that he not only founded but also incorporated into his thoughts, practice, and vision.
Minister Mohammad Daoud thanked the warm welcome and said: “This is the legacy of Imam Sadr and we walk in his footsteps because the test of time proved that his approach is the only way to salvation.”

Professional Training for Special Education Team
A training workshop was conducted at Imam Sadr Foundation for the Special Education Team, administration and teachers, animated by Dr. Huda Shaaban, International Speaker, Author, ICF Life/ADHD Coach.
The workshop was held on two days Friday and Saturday 22, 23 Feb, 2019 within a series of capacity building program implemented by Taqat and funded by Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI).

The Family of Imam Mousa Sadr Meets Pope Francis
Upon their visits, two messages were addressed by the family of Imam Sadr to His Holiness Pope Francis: the safety of Lebanon, and the liberation of the Imam and his companions.
Pope Francis replied by saying: “Your visit is a beautiful testimony to me. I know your good work and it is a concrete translation of your words and your love for the needy”.
Friday, February 15, 2019
On an exceptional visit, Pope Francis received the family of Imam Mousa Sadr in the Vatican, stressing that he was happy to meet them, his Holiness said “I know your good work, which is a concrete translation of your words and the result of your love for the needy.
The Pope welcomed the delegation headed by Mrs. Rabab Sadr, the Imam’s sister, along with Mrs. Maliha Sadr, the Imam’s daughter, Mr. Raed Charafeddine and Mr. Nijad Charafeddine, the sons of Mrs. Sadr. His Holiness listened with great interest to their talk about the exceptional personality of Imam Moussa Sadr and about the unfortunate mishap of his disappearance in Libya along with his two companions.
This visit came within the framework of the family’s follow-up on the issue of the disappearance of Imam Sadr in an attempt to obtain the Holy and apostolic support for this matter. It was emphasized that this is not merely a family or a sect related issue, but a universal humanitarian issue concerning the freedom of the first Muslim cleric invited to the Vatican in 1963 for the inauguration of the appointed Pope back then. Imam Sadr was also the cleric who prayed and spoke at the altar of the Church of the Capuchin Fathers on days like these for the unity of Lebanon and the diverse Lebanese citizens.
The family confirmed that the Pope intended to support the cause of the liberation of Imam Sadr, who has been abducted for wanting to bring unity and safety for Lebanon, the homeland, to which the Pope referred to as a message. Given that that the Pope signed the brotherhood treaty in the United Arab Emirates with the Muslim Sheikh of Al-Azhar, his Holiness had no doubt in supporting the cause of an influential Muslim cleric such as Imam Sadr. He believed that “the message of the Lebanese is co-existence, and Lebanon represents God’s trust.”
The family will complete their visit at the Vatican, after which they will meet with the Vatican’s dialogue officer, Monseigneur Sandri.
Source: Imam Mousa Sadr Center for Research and Studies

Graduating from the Training " Preparing Educated Addiction and Monitoring Cases
The Department of Social Health Services, in cooperation with the Islamic Health Authority, organized a graduation ceremony for the participants in the course of “Preparing Educated Addiction and Monitoring Cases”.
It is worth noting that the participants are from the various departments of the Foundation that include: The centers of the Department of Social Health Services, “Mabara” and the school of Rehab Zahra (PBUH), “Aafaq” Institute for Development, and the School of Nursing.
Congratulations to the participants!

The Annual Meeting of the General Assembly of Imam Sadr Foundation at the Cultural Compound
The members of General Assembly of Imam Sadr Foundation met together on Saturday morning at the Cultural Complex in Tyre at its annual meeting to view the annual report. The Commission was briefed on the status of projects and programs: their tracks, their results and the challenges they face. Development and sustainability methods were also discussed.
Mrs. Rabab Sadr opened the session and welcomed the members of the Board and General Assembly in hopes that the meeting would be an additional occasion to review what has been achieved and agree on the priorities of the next phase. The economic and financial struggles in the region have put pressures on everyone, from individuals to private and public sectors, among which several institutions and NGOs have been a victim of and had to halt some projects and activities to cut back on costs.
During the sessions, a number of department heads presented their yearly reports and their recommendations regarding what they deem necessary to meet this difficult period due to the scarcity of recourses. Presentations included the department of nursing, health centers, early childhood intervention center (ECIL), vocational training, and schools. During the session, many discussions and interventions were proposed to expand the horizons of the next stage, to encourage volunteering among second generation youth, to benefit from the social service program, to encourage graduates to continue their involvement in the work of foundation and to strengthen the image of the society in the local and foreign public opinion.

British Ambassador Visits Imam Sadr Foundation
British Ambassador to Lebanon H.E. Chris Rampling visited the Cultural Compound of Imam Sadr Foundation accompanied by the Second Secretary Mr. Tom Varden and Ms. Abeer Breir. Ms. Rabab Al-Sadr welcomed her guests and provided an overview of the foundation and its contribution to social development and women empowerment. Mr. Nijad Charafeddine presented some aspects of the foundation’s work in environmental education and in promoting dialogue and cultural exchange. Visitors also toured some facilities, especially carpet hand-woven workshop and silver atelier.