
Col Head of Mission and Force Commander of the UNIFIL Visits ISF
UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander Major General Stefano Del Col visited the Cultural Compound of Imam Sadr Foundation where he was received by Chairperson Ms. Rabab Sadr.
He presented the current obstacles and their impact on UNIFIL cooperation with the residents of the South. Major General Del Col recalled his long career with UNIFIL and highlighted the security challenges he faced in the past year. He also expressed his admiration for the contribution of institutions in the renaissance of society and in helping women to engage in economic and social activity in the South.

Our Nurses in Group Inter-Personal Therapy
A group of the Health Department nurses participated with the IMC- International Medical Corps, within the first research group in the Middle East, in the implementation of the first pilot project in the primary health care centers for the Group Inter-Personal Therapy or the personal psychological treatment for focus groups supporting each other through sessions facilitated by mental health nurses (skills and techniques appropriate for each case).

The Women’s Empowerment Club Supporting Imam Sadr Foundation
The Women’s Empowerment Club (WEC) at Fordson High School baked and sold 1,200 gingerbread cookies to raise money for the orphans at the Sadr Foundation. WEC is a club focused on empowering girls at Fordson and in the Dearborn community. Because of the economic crisis in Lebanon, the Sadr Foundation is suffering financially. To help them out, WEC raised $3,000 that will go towards funding the orphanage. If you are interested in joining our cause and funding the non profit please For contribution:
Call: +1 313-584-8230
Location: 4241 Maple St, Dearborn, Michigan 48126
Your support will change a kid’s life for sure, and yours as well????

Commander of UNIFIL's Western Sector @ Imam Sadr Foundation
The UNIFIL Western Sector Commander Italian General Diego Filippo Fulco, visited the Cultural Compound, within the framework of the meetings aimed at strengthening the relationship between “UNIFIL” and local authorities and charities.
Chairperso, Ms. Rabab Sadr, praised the “importance of humanitarian and social activities and service projects for the benefit of the people of the South; in addition to the great support for philanthropic organizations and for students and youth in order to obtain their educational degree.”
She also gave a brief overview of Imam Sadr Foundation as a charitable, humanitarian and social charity that care for orphans and the needy in all Lebanese regions, especially in the South.
In his turn, General Folko highly cherished the “efforts they put to take care of children and their orphans, the tremendous efforts of the educational accomplishment of students, and the great support for them in various educational forums, especially comprehensive care.”

Educational Symposium @ ISF
Imam Sadr Foundation organized a dialogue meeting entitled “Partners in Development and Humanitarian Action” gathering a number of educational and philanthropic organizations and institutes active in the South, to discuss the challenges of the current stage and figure out ways to alleviate the repercussions of the crisis on vulnerable groups. A number of religious authorities, social and media activists also participated in the meeting.
Ms. Rabab Sadr, Chairperson of Imam Sadr Foundation, welcomed the attendees and referred to the motives and objectives of the meeting. Over the course of two hours, a presentation was made of the experiences of Dar Al-Aytam Al-Ismaliah, Cadmous School and Imam Sadr Foundation.
Ms. Salwa Al-Zaatari presented the experience of social welfare institution – Dar Al-Aytam Al-Ismaliah, its goals and policies. She also talked about the funding problems and challenges related to the needs of workers and beneficiaries, as well as the difficulties faced by donors in tranferring their money, the departure of youth from voluntary work, and the decline in state contributions and irregularity.
Father John Younes, the manager of Cadmous School, talked about the importance of feeling a sense of belonging and being close to each other, especially in these difficult days and thinking positively nomatter how difficult the circumstances are. He referred to the experience of Cadmous School, its history, development, and educational tasks now especially in the department of learning difficulties and current challenges due to the weak official support for social care institutions. He also stressed on the spirit of openness and coexistence as a major title for bringing up generations, and presented recommendations from the school’s point of view.
Mr. Nijad Charafeddine presented for Imam Sadr Foundation, and explained the compelling dangers that our country Lebanon is going through, in addition to the structural, cultural and social obstacles that hinder the work of associations and organizations. He also identified key issues and strategies for organizations to intervene, namely population migration, scarcity of employment opportunities, protection of vulnerable people and environmental degradation.
He stated that the organizations used strict austerity measures to face the current stage, while giving preferential attention to critical social cases, and focusing on positive concepts of citizenship, tolerance and social solidarity.
The meeting was introduced by Nour Talib and moderated by Diana Al-Sayah.
After a short break, an extensive discussion took place on the themes of the meeting, and a series of suggestions and recommendations were deliberated.

Congratulations Fatima and Ali!
Fatima Hassan Ismail is a new bride of our students, who received the blessing of Mrs. Rabab Al-Sadr on her engagement from the Ali Salem Ayoub.
The proposal took place on Monday 23-12-2019 in the presence of their parents and family.

Our Students Visiting UNIFIL Headquarters for Greeting
On the occasion of the glorious holidays, a group of students from Rihab Al-Zahraa School (as) visited members of the Italian battalion in Al-Mansouri, in the presence of the Italbatt Commander Colonel Giuseppe Cacciagurra, and Cimic Officer Captain Vicenzo Carreto and a group of officers and soldiers.
Students learned about the work of UNIFIL peacekeepers, and also contacted their counterparts at the Nitti School in Rome via Skype and exchanged greetings and sang songs for the holidays, and then received gifts from members of the battalion.
This activity was included within the civic education class, and it is scheduled to be completed tomorrow with a visit by some members of the battalion to the Cultural Compound, where the choir will be performing Christmas chants, some of which will be in Italian.

Fundraising Event in Australia for School Completion
Under “PROJECT LEBANON 2019” supported and funded by “Wish Foundation – Imam Hasan Centre – Community Care – Al-Jaafaria Shia Islamic Centre Official, WF Aid”, a delegation from Imam Sadr Foundation, led by Ms. Rabab Al Sadr, attended on Saturday 14 December 2019 the fundraising event in Sydney – Austalia. The delegation included Ms. Maliha Al Sadr, Mr. Raed Charafeddine and Mr. Nijad Charafeddine.
The event aimed at gathering contributions to complete the school for Orphans and Needy at the Imam Sadr Foundation Cultural Compound in Tyre.
Thank you Imam Hasan Centre and all the benevolent contributors;
A Special Thank You to Br Abbas Aly, and to WF Aid for their generous effort and support.
May Allah bless you and accept your deeds.
For more info about the School project, visit: